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Turkmenistan: EAPO seeks to actively cooperate with inventors and scientists of the state

The advantages of the Eurasian patent system were presented at the international scientific conference “Science, technology and innovation in the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State”. Saparbay Eminov, Counselor to the President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), delivered his report online.

At the beginning of 2023, there were 7,310 valid Eurasian patents for inventions on the territory of Turkmenistan. Before implementing significant projects on the territory of independent Turkmenistan, most foreign companies started with obtaining protection documents, Eurasian patents for inventions, and then proceeded to their implementation.

The Eurasian Patent System has proven itself to be one of the most reliable instruments to protect the intellectual property rights of companies and inventors on the territory of the Member States”, stated the Counselor to the EAPO President.

Besides the key advantages of the Eurasian patent system for national patent applicants, Saparbay Eminov informed the participants about the EAPO’s digital initiatives to advance its digital services and the implementation of joint projects with the national patent offices of the Member States of the Eurasian Patent Organization to modernize the offices’ systems.

“The EAPO seeks to actively cooperate with inventors and scientists in Turkmenistan”, concluded Saparbay Eminov.