Budget Working Group of the EAPO Administrative Council (Budget Working Group) was created at the Third (Second Ordinary) session of the Administrative Council in 1996. It is a regular consultative body of the Administrative Council responsible for preparation of the budget.
Budget Working Group consists of one representative and his/her deputy from each Contracting State and EAPO. The Administrative Council may extend or restrict the number of members of the Budget Working Group.
Activity of the Budget Working Group is regulated by the Rules of Procedure which apply to the Administrative Council, Eurasian Patent Convention, regulatory documents and decisions approved by the Administrative Council as well as regulatory documents in the area of financial activity acting on the territory of the Organization’s headquarters providing they do not contradict with the mentioned above documents.
The main tasks of the Budget Working Group are:
Budget Working Group is eligible to study results of audit work and to introduce amendments within its competence to the Administrative Council.
Budget Working Group is obliged to keep confidentiality.
Regular Working Group on Information Technologies of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization (RWGIT) was created at twelfth (ninth ordinary) session of the Administrative Council in 2002 and is aimed at development of information technologies.
RWGIT consists of one representative from each national patent office of the Contracting States appointed by plenipotentiary representatives and one representative from the Eurasian Patent Office appointed by the President of the Eurasian Patent Office.
RWGIT activity is regulated by the Eurasian Patent Convention, legislative documents and decisions approved by the Administrative Council as well as other legislative and regulatory documents acting on the territory of the EAPO headquarters, binding for the Eurasian Patent Organization.
Activity of RWGIT is also regulated by the Statute on Regular Working Group on Information Technologies of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization and AC Procedure Rules.
The main tasks of RWGIT are to hold preliminary consultations, to develop joint products and draft of proposals for the Administrative Council in the form of recommendations, conclusions or other necessary documents necessary to:
Members of RWGIT have the following rights: