EAPO Authority File

This definition file relates to the following authority file: EA_AF

Date of production

Data coverage
Public EA documents from 1996-07-01 to 2023-02-28.
The EA authority file lists all EA patent publications.

Coverage according to document type and kind-of-document code:

TypeKind CodeTotalDefinition
Patent ApplicationA164332Eurasian patent application published with search report
Patent ApplicationA21921Eurasian patent application published without search report
Search ReportA31799Separate publication of a search report
Corrected Patent ApplicationA8250Reprint of the description of invention in a Eurasian patent application (title page only)
Corrected Patent ApplicationA913Reprint of the description of invention in a Eurasian patent application (full document)
Patent SpecificationB142574Eurasian patent for invention
Patent SpecificationB214Eurasian patent for invention for which a decision of partial administrative revocation was made
Patent SpecificationB311Eurasian patent for invention for which decision on limitation was made on the basis of the proprietor’s request
Corrected Patent SpecificationB8150Reprint of the description of invention in a Eurasian patent (title page only)
Corrected Patent SpecificationB9569Reprint of the description of invention in a Eurasian patent (full document)

Numbering Formats
For details on the numbering systems used by EA see the corresponding entries in Parts 7.2.6 of the WIPO Handbook.

Online access and updating
A single newly updated EA authority file is published on monthly basis at https://www.eapo.org/authority_file.

Data access
Eurasian Publication Server provides free online access to public EA documents at https://www.eapo.org/ru/publications/publicat/publicat.php (interface in Russian).
Raw data product is available on the subscription basis.