Administrative Council

According to Article 2(3) of the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) the Administrative Council is one of the bodies of the Eurasian Patent Organization. It is a representative body in which each State Party to the EAPC participates. Activity of the Administrative Council is regulated by EAPC, Administrative Regulations and Administrative Council Procedure Rules (Procedure Rules).

According to Article 3(3) the Administrative Council is competent:

The list of powers of the Administrative Council is supplemented by Rule 5 of the Administrative Instructions under the Eurasian Patent Convention, according to which the Administrative Council is competent to adopt and amend the EAPO Statute on Fees, as well as other documents.

According to Article 3(1) of the EAPC each Contracting State is represented in the Administrative Council by its plenipotentiary representative and his/her deputy who may draw advisors and experts for assistance. Each Contracting State has one vote in the Administrative Council. Two-thirds of the number of such States constitute a quorum.

According to Article 3(1) of the EAPC each Contracting State is represented in the Administrative Council by its plenipotentiary representative and his/her deputy who may draw advisors and experts for assistance. Each Contracting State has one vote in the Administrative Council. Two-thirds of the number of such States constitute a quorum.