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Republic of Tajikistan: Seminar on the Eurasian Patent Information System

On the initiative of the State Patent and Technical Library of the Republic of Tajikistan, a Republican seminar “Working with EAPATIS during the patent information search” was held at the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In his opening statement, Deputy Director of the Office Parviz Rajabzoda noted that EAPATIS currently contains information on 87 million patent documents and was created by the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) of the Eurasian Patent Organization in order to provide patent information and conduct patent search during the examination of applications for obtaining a title of protection for inventions. This system provides access to global, regional, and national patent documentation funds.

According to the mutual agreement between the Eurasian Patent Organization and the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information”, the National Library of Tajikistan, the National University of Tajikistan, the Technical University of Tajikistan named after Academician M.S. Osimi, the Polytechnic Institute of the Technical University of Tajikistan named after Academician M.S. Osimi in Khujand, the Technological University of Tajikistan, and Kulyab State University have received access to EAPATIS. Currently, these institutions use all EAPATIS resources for free.

The seminar was attended by inventors and representatives of state institutions that are connected to EAPATIS. The examiners and specialists of the Office organized workshops on how to work with the system and how to use it for patent searches.

Source: Official website of the National Patent Information Center