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The Eurasian trademark was discussed at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Specialists from the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) attended a meeting of the Working Group on improvement of intellectual property legislation and case law of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (hereinafter Working Group).
The Working Group focused on trademark rights protection in the Russian Federation. Specialists from Rospatent, the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and lawyers representing businesses discussed the current trademark protection in Russia, the specifics of composite trademark examination and the use of trademark coexistence agreements.
The participants also discussed the implementation of the system for trademark protection at the regional level. Olga Tereshchenko, Dean of the Law Faculty of the RGAIS, spoke about the specifics of the EEU trademark registration system and its current status.
Asemgul Abenova, Head of the Industrial Designs Division of the EAPO Examination Department, explained the development prospects of the regional system for legal protection of trademarks on the basis of the EAPO. She also described the advantages of the Eurasian system for legal protection of industrial designs and its use for the promotion of mass-market goods in Eurasian markets.
“Russian business is interested in the creation of a regional system for legal protection of trademarks,” concluded Sergey Averkiev, Head of the EAPO Examination Department. “A unified trademark is as important for entrepreneurs wishing to market their goods in the eight Member States of the Eurasian Patent Organization as an opportunity to obtain a Eurasian patent for an invention or industrial design”.