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The 1000th industrial design was registered under the Eurasian patent system

The Eurasian Patent Office has registered the 1000th industrial design.

A large manufacturer of dairy products, ERMANN LLC (RU), is a patent holder of the 1000th industrial design. The registered industrial design is packaging with a drawing included in Eurasian patent No. 388, along with eighteen other designs of packaging.

We would like to note that a Eurasian application for industrial design may include up to 100 industrial designs. All designs included in one application must belong to the same class of the International Classification of Industrial Designs (ICID). The Eurasian system does not require that designs included in one application meet the unity of design requirement. An application includes industrial designs according to the principle of “unity of class” of the ICID.

A Eurasian patent for industrial design can be obtained for a wide range of products.