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International Conference on Intellectual Property and Technology “IP Eurasia/ IP India’23: Space of Innovation”

The Second International Conference on Intellectual Property “IP Eurasia/ IP India’23: Space of Innovation” will be held on December 6, 2023.

The panel discussion “Impact of IP sector on the development of business cooperation between EAPC Member States and India” will focus on technological cooperation with Indian partners.

Moderator of the panel discussion: Yuri Kuznetsov, Head of Patent Practice, Gorodissky & Partners


What type of business entity is appropriate for the joint development of new technologies?

What are the specifics of attracting Indian specialists?

Legal aspects of IP objects created by Indian employees involved in development.

How can we minimize legal risks in the IP rights trade?

The following speakers will cover these and other issues in the panel discussion:

Saini Anand, Regional Director, Gorodissky & Partners

Sergey Kalachev, Eurasian and Russian Patent Attorney, Gorodissky & Partners

Durgesh Mukharya, Indian Patent Attorney, Partner, K&S Partners

Ramya R. Rao, Indian Patent Attorney, Partner, K&S Partners


The session will provide a comparative analysis of the Eurasian and Indian systems for protecting inventions and practical recommendations for the effective use of both systems.

It will be possible to address the Indian and Eurasian patent attorneys with general questions as well as obtain legal advice on particular issues at the end of the session.

You can register for the Conference and get more information about it at https://ip-eurasia.ru/.