A pilot project on enhancing IP commercialization capacity of technoparks in the region of EAPO Member States is implemented in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Historical background
A regional conference “Modern Trends and Problems of IP Commercialization in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe” was held on June 29, 2020. One of its achievements was an agreement to develop a joint project aimed at fostering intellectual property activities in the technoparks of the EAPO Member States in order to increase their IP commercialization capacity.
In 2021, research was conducted on the IP commercialization in the technoparks of the region.

On March 14, 2022, President of the Eurasian Patent Office Grigory Ivliev and Assistant Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Marco Aleman held a video conference to discuss and agree upon further steps for the project’s implementation.
On April 22, 2022, Grigory Ivliev, President of the Eurasian Patent Office, and Dr. Habip Asan, Director of the Division for Transition and Developed Countries of the WIPO’s Regional and National Development Sector, held a video conference to confirm the agreement on the project’s implementation.
Project Program
Technoparks constitute the most crucial component of the innovation infrastructure in all Eurasian countries. They are the drivers of technological development in their regions, states, and the Eurasian space as a whole. The main goal of patent offices is to provide technopark residents with all the resources necessary to obtain protection, implement a technical solution, and protect their rights.
15 beneficiary technoparks from all EAPO Member States have been selected to participate in the project. Their representatives will take part in educational programs on various aspects of intellectual property management. The training programs will cover the most challenging and relevant topics, such as licensing, IP marketing, IP valuation, etc.
The main goal is to make these educational sessions as practice-oriented as possible. Therefore, they will include applied issues, workshops, and examinations of real cases.
We want to make sure that as many subjects involved in innovation activities as possible acquire knowledge and skills in IP rights management. The educational sessions will lead to the creation of general guidelines for all technoparks in the Eurasian region as well as a special training program implemented in cooperation with the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property. Thus, other technoparks that were not part of the project’s small group of beneficiaries will also benefit from its outcomes.
Two seminars on enhancing IP commercialization capacity of technoparks in the region of EAPO Member States have already been held as part of the pilot project.
The first seminar was held on March 13-15, 2023, in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. The seminar focused on the development of a local IP policy for technoparks to systematize the management of IP rights. The discussion showed that the pilot technoparks lack experience in the development and application of IP policies and systematic work on IP protection. On the sidelines of the seminar, Emil Mammadov held meetings with Habip Asan, WIPO delegates and the Director of the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yerbol Ospanov, and presented EAPO’s key promising projects to the Vice Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Botagoz Zhakselekova.
The second seminar on IP valuation was held August 29-30, 2023, in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The experts disclosed the role of IP valuation for academic institutions, examined the key stages of the valuation process, the principles, methods and standards used, analyzed their advantages, disadvantages and differences from each other, and presented advanced approaches to IP valuation used abroad. The discussion showed that IP valuation is still in its infancy in the EAPO Member States.
Both seminars have demonstrated that pilot project on enhancing IP commercialization capacity of technoparks is of great importance. Representatives of leading technoparks expressed their intention to learn from the experience of their colleagues and contribute to the development of this sphere at the national level. The participants recognized the need for such educational events in technoparks.
Presentations of the first seminar:
Presentations of the second seminar: