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EAPO President spoke at the Literary Meeting of the Library for Foreign Literature

All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino held a literary meeting timed to coincide with the International Day of Book Giving and the Day of the Diplomatic Worker.

Such a holiday with the participation of diplomatic workers, ambassadors of foreign states, organized by the library, is an outstanding event in the cultural life of our country

Grigory Ivliev commented on his participation.

Today we heard lines from the works of contemporary authors, from the masterpieces of classical literature. This is a holiday that emphasizes the importance of a book, an artistic word in our culture.

The President of the Eurasian Patent Office read an excerpt from the book “Priest Vasily Ivliev. I don’t plead guilty…” is a unique collection of archival documents about the case of his great-grandfather Vasily Ivliev, an Orthodox priest from the village of Paniki, who suffered for the Faith during the years of persecution of the church at the beginning of the 20th century.

The President of the Eurasian Patent Office read an excerpt from the book “Priest Vasily Ivliev. I don’t plead guilty…” is a unique collection of archival documents about the case of his great-grandfather Vasily Ivliev, an Orthodox priest from the village of Paniki, who suffered for the Faith during the years of persecution of the church at the beginning of the 20th century.

The writer Andrey Gelasimov, speaking at the presentation of the book “Priest Vasily Ivliev …” in the Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Butovo, said that the authentic protocols of interrogations, certificates from the personal file, from which the book is composed, more precisely than fiction, conveys a terrible, terrible character of that time. And – the greatness of the modest feat of an ordinary priest, who in the face of death did not betray either relatives or friends, or the Orthodox Faith.

Grigory Ivliev also donated three of his books to the library fund. In addition to “Priest Vasily Ivliev…”, the EAPO President presented the library readers with the book “Transformation of the Sphere of Intellectual Property in Modern Conditions” about the development of the sphere of intellectual property in Russia, and the album “Temple of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica…”, telling about the revival of the Temple in the village of Paniki, Sarajevo District Ryazan region and writing a new iconostasis of the Temple.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Churov, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Churov, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yermek Kosherbaev, Ambassador of Colombia Hector Isidro Arenas Neira, Ambassador of South Africa Jeff Mzuvukile, Ambassador of Peru Juan Genaro Del Campo Rodriguez, Ambassador of Yemen Ahmed Salem al-Waheishi, Ambassador of Brazil Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, Ambassador of Argentina Eduardo Antonio Zuine, Ambassador of Panama Enrique Barrow Noad and others.

The guests of the evening read excerpts from their favorite works by contemporary authors and recognized classics of world and national literature and donated their favorite books to library readers.