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Visit of the EPO Delegation
September 22-23, 2004. In the headquarters of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) in Moscow the official meeting of the President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) Dr. Alexander GRIGORIEV with a delegation of the European Patent Office (EPO), headed by the EPO President Professor, Dr. Alain POMPIDOU, was held.
In the meeting have taken part the EPO Vice-President Professor, Dr. Manuel DESANTES, member of the EPO President’s Office Dr. Aidan G. KENDRICK, Project Leader CIS Countries and Mongolia, EPO International Cooperation Mrs. Nina FORMBY and Assistant in the EPO President’s Office Mrs. Petra JACOB.
In a course of the meeting the delegations have exchanged by opinions on problems of international cooperation in the field of the industrial property, tendencies of development of regional and national patent offices, perspective directions of technical, technological and information policy of organizations, problems and perspective of development of the theory and practice in the field of training of personnel.
The European Patent Office has confirmed the intention and hereafter to render support to development of the Eurasian Patent Office, acting in the spirit of the signed two-sided Memorandum of understanding between EPO and EAPO on cooperation in the field of the protection of inventions.
The significant place during the meeting was given to the coordination of technical policy of the EAPO development and help from the EPO on training of personnel and technical perfecting of patent information activity.
The parties have agreed with expediency to carry out the similar meetings hereinafter regularly.