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Press-release on visit of the delegation from State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)
On March 13-14, 2013, a delegation from the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) consisting of Mr. P. Grosu- Deputy Director, Inventions Department and Mr. L. Lupashku – Examiner, Chemistry, Medicine and Biology Department visited the Eurasian Patent Office.
The EAPO was represented by the Heads and specialists from the Examination and the Eurasian Patents Register Departments.
Current visit and the working discussions were carried out as part of the Working Program on Cooperation in the field of protection of Intellectual Property between AGEPI and EAPO.
On the meeting, the topics under discussion included legal regulation and practices of protection of inventions in the field of medicaments, as well as extension of the patent terms for medicaments. Parties exchanged practices on the subject of resolution of disputes, concerning the validity of Eurasian Patents on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Opinions were exchanged on a wide range of topics on matters related to legal protection of inventions.