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Industrial Design Cooperation Negotiations Held at WIPO
The delegation of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) headed by President Saule Tlevlessova visited the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on November 19-20, 2018.
During the negotiations with officials of the Hague Registry of Brands and Designs Sector, as well as the Office of the WIPO Legal Counsel, the implemented and upcoming stages of creation of the regional legal protection system for industrial designs based on the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) and relevant areas for cooperation between the two organizations were reviewed in detail.
The delegations discussed, in particular, possible participation of WIPO representatives in the meeting of the EAPO Working Group on Industrial Designs, WIPO experts analysis of the regulatory legal acts created under the new regional system and carrying out activities that will put forward the effective planning of further work on the development of a new EAPO industrial property object, as well as dissemination in the Eurasian region the information on WIPO activities in the field of industrial designs, including the activity in the framework of the Hague system.
At the meeting with the leadership and representatives of the Department for Transition and Developed Countries, the EAPO delegation provided information on the approval of the draft Protocol to the Eurasian Patent Convention of September 9, 1994 on the Protection of Industrial Designs by the EAPO Administrative Council and further plans related to the preparation of the draft Protocol for signing and revision of Eurasian patent legislation to reflect the new procedure for registration of industrial designs. The delegations coordinated EAPO-WIPO cooperation in carrying out work related to the new industrial property subject matter, as well as details of joint activities in 2019.