On January 16, 2023 the EAPO received the first digital request for representative change. Earlier, this procedure could be carried out only on the basis of a request made in paper form.
Change of the representative for the application filed in electronic form has become possible as the Procedure for the electronic exchange of documents under the Eurasian patent procedure came into force on January 1, 2023. The new Procedure extends the opportunities for the third parties – the options for interaction of users of the EAPO-Online electronic exchange system with the EAPO.
Users benefit from the new functionality related to filing and receiving correspondence in electronic form for a number of procedures. In particular, users of the system can submit the request on the representative change, request for patent term extension, opposition against the grant of Eurasian patent, etc, as well as to send observations concerning patentability of inventions.
To learn about the new options of the EAPO-Online system and to discuss it with the EAPO experts, join the seminar «EAPO-Online system of electronic exchange. Current practice of interaction and new opportunities» on January 23, 2023 at 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (to be held in Russian).
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