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EAPO Pharmaceutical Register introduced to patent attorneys

Darya Rubailo, Principal Examiner of the Chemistry and Medicine Division of the Eurasian Patent Office, spoke at the XXII “St. Petersburg Collegial Readings” invited by the St. Petersburg Patent Bar.

“St. Petersburg Collegial Readings” is an annual research-to-practice conference, which has been held since 1999 by the St. Petersburg Patent Bar. The Readings traditionally focused on the most relevant aspects of patent attorneys’ activity, practical and theoretical issues in IP.

Darya Rubailo’s report at the conference was on the EAPO Pharmaceutical Register. The examiner spoke about the possible prospects for the development of the Registry, the inclusion of not only regional, but also national patents for medicines, as well as the practical use of the Registry by a wide range of people involved in the production, registration and distribution of medicines in the territory of the EAPO member states.

The conference was attended by representatives of the EAPO, Rospatent, Eurasian and national patent attorneys, patent practitioners, managers for patent and inventive activity and IP management in large companies, IP lawyers and experts from Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan.