Amendments of certain fees (industrial designs)
12 December 2023
Amendments of certain fees (industrial designs)

The new amounts of certain fees of the Eurasian Patent Organization for legally significant and other actions performed in relation to Eurasian design applications and Eurasian design patents are established from January 1, 2024.

Amended fees of the Eurasian Patent Organization

Filing and Examination of Eurasian Application:

The following fees shall be paid for filing a Eurasian application:

(i) unitary procedural fee according to Article 13(3) of the Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs to the Eurasian Patent Convention (Protocol) and Rule 108 (1) of the Patent Regulations under the Eurasian Patent Convention (Patent Regulations):

where the Eurasian application is filed in respect of a single industrial design – in the amount of 30,000 Rubles;

where the Eurasian application is filed in respect of several industrial designs – in the amount of 30,000 Rubles and additional 15,000 Rubles for each subsequent industrial design from the second to the tenth one, and 7,500 Rubles for each subsequent industrial design in excess of the tenth.


Industrial Design Registration, Publication of Eurasian Patent Grant Mention and Eurasian Patent Grant

According to Article 15(5) of the Protocol and Rule 114(1) of the Patent Regulations, the following fee shall be paid for industrial design registration, for publication of a Eurasian patent grant mention and for Eurasian patent grant:

where a Eurasian patent is granted in respect of a single industrial design – in the amount of 30,000 Rubles;

where a Eurasian patent is granted in respect of several industrial designs – in the amount of 30,000 Rubles, additional 15,000 Rubles for each industrial design from the second to the tenth one, and 7,500 Rubles for each subsequent industrial design in excess of the tenth.


The other fees will remain in the same amounts.

Please note that payments of fees to the Eurasian Patent Office can be made in Rubles, US Dollars, Euros, Yuan and Drams.

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