The new amounts of certain fees of the Eurasian Patent Organization for legally significant and other actions in relation to Eurasian applications and Eurasian patents for inventions are established from January 1, 2024.
Amended fees of the Eurasian Patent Organization
Filing a Eurasian Application:
The following fees for filing a Eurasian application shall be paid in accordance with Article 15(2) of the Eurasian Patent Convention (Convention):
(i) the unitary procedural fee for filing a Eurasian application – in the amount of 50,000 Rubles;
(ii) the fee for each claim in excess of the fifth in accordance with Rule 24(7) of the Patent Regulations under the Convention (Patent Regulations), in the amount of 5,500 Rubles; in excess of the twentieth claim, in the amount of 6,000 Rubles; in excess of the fiftieth claim, in the amount of 7,000 Rubles;
(iii) the additional fee for late submission of a Russian translation of Eurasian application, in accordance with Rules 211(6) and 71(3) of the Patent Regulations, in the amount of 5,000 Rubles;
(iv) the additional fees for late submission of a document confirming payment of the unitary procedural fee within the time limits provided for in Rules 211(7), 34(5) and 71(3) of the Patent Regulations, and fees for each claim in excess of the fifth within the time limits provided for in Rule 24(7) of the Patent Regulations – fixed at 50 percent of the amounts of the fees set out in sub-items (i) and (ii) of this sub-paragraph.
Substantive Examination of a Eurasian Application:
The following fees are paid for the substantive examination of a Eurasian application in accordance with Article 15(6) of the Convention:
(i) in relation to one invention, in the amount of 50,000 Rubles;
(ii) in relation to a group of inventions, in the amount of 50,000 Rubles, and in addition in the amount of 30,000 Rubles for second and 15,000 Rubles for each subsequent independent claim.
Grant of a Eurasian Patent:
For the grant of a Eurasian patent in accordance with Article 15(10) of the Convention and its publication in accordance with Rule 51(1) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 30,000 Rubles shall be paid.
An additional fee for late payment of a fee for the granting a Eurasian patent, prescribed in the fifth item of Rule 47(3) of the Patent Regulations, shall be paid in the amount of 5,000 Rubles.
Additions, Clarifications, Corrections and Amendments:
When submitting additional documents containing the request for amendments and corrections to a Eurasian application prior to the date of completion of the formal examination of the application, in accordance with Rule 49(2) of the Patent Regulations, an additional fee in the amount of 5,000 Rubles shall be paid for each request for amendments and corrections.
When submitting additional documents together with the request for amendments and corrections to a Eurasian application following the date of completion of the formal examination of the application, in accordance with Rule 49(2) of the Patent Regulations, an additional fee in the amount of 13,000 Rubles shall be paid for each request for amendments and corrections.
When making amendments and corrections to a Eurasian patent in accordance with the second item of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Rule 57 of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 5,000 Rubles shall be paid for each amendment and correction.
For publication of a new specification of the Eurasian patent, as amended following examination of opposition against the grant of a Eurasian patent, in accordance with Rule 53(9) of the Patent Regulations or upon the request of the patent owner on limitation of the Eurasian patent in accordance with Rule 55(5) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 8,500 Rubles shall be paid.
When filing a request for the inclusion of additional independent claims missing on the date of completion of the formal examination of the Eurasian application, in accordance with Rule 49(3) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 30,000 Rubles shall be paid for including each new independent claim.
When filing a request regarding changes to information contained in the request for the grant of a Eurasian patent in accordance with Rule 49(2) of the Patent Regulations, following the date on which the Eurasian application is received by the Eurasian Office, and also regarding a change in the representative of the applicant, patent owner or other interested person, a fee in the amount of 1,000 Rubles shall be paid in accordance with Rule 30(5) of the Patent Regulations, apart from the cases provided for in paragraphs 6(1)-6(5) and 11 of the Statute on Fees.
When filing a request for changing information in the Register of Eurasian Patents regarding the name or title of the patent owner, his place of residence or location in accordance with the first item of Rule 58(1) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 2,500 Rubles shall be paid.
Filing Appeals against the Eurasian Office Decisions:
When filing an appeal against the decision of the Eurasian Office in accordance with Rule 48(3) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 30,000 Rubles shall be paid.
When filing an opposition against the grant of a Eurasian patent in accordance with Rule 53(5) of the Patent Regulations, a notice of revocation of the Eurasian patent term extension in accordance with Rule 16(7) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 60,000 Rubles shall be paid.
When filing an appeal against the Eurasian Office decision in accordance with Rules 16(8) and 53(8) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 80,000 Rubles shall be paid.
Extension of Missed Time Limits and Restoration of Rights:
For the extension of the time limit set by the Eurasian Office for performing the procedural action, the fee under Rule 37(2) of the Patent Regulations shall be paid:
(i) up to 12 months after the expiry of the time limit prescribed for submission of the requested additional documents – 1,500 Rubles for the first two months of the extension. The fee for each subsequent month of the extension increases by 1,500 Rubles in comparison to the preceding month;
(ii) more than 12 months after the expiry of the indicated time limit, the fee for each subsequent month starting from the thirteenth month of extension increases by 2,000 Rubles in comparison to the preceding month.
When filing a request for continuation of the prosecution, in accordance with Rule 37(3) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 25,000 Rubles shall be paid.
When filing a request for the restoration of the right to a Eurasian patent, in accordance with Rule 39(2) of the Patent Regulations, a fee in the amount of 50,000 Rubles shall be paid, as prescribed by Rule 39(1) of the Patent Regulations.
Transfer of Right to a Eurasian Application or Eurasian Patent:
When filing a request to register the transfer of the right to a Eurasian application according to the procedure of succession in inheritance title or as the result of reorganization of a legal entity, a fee in the amount of 5,000 Rubles shall be paid in accordance with Rule 13(5) of the Patent Regulations or, when acquiring rights, in accordance with Rule 7(1) of the Patent Regulations.
When filing a request to register the transfer of the right to a Eurasian application by means of assignment of that right, a fee in the amount of 20,000 Rubles shall be paid in accordance with Rule 13(5) of the Patent Regulations.
When filing a request to register the transfer of the right to a Eurasian patent according to the procedure of succession in inheritance title or as the result of reorganization of a legal entity, a fee in the amount of 10,000 Rubles shall be paid in accordance with Rule 13(5) of the Patent Regulations or, when acquiring rights, in accordance with Rule 7(2) of the Patent Regulations.
When filing a request to register the transfer of the right to a Eurasian patent by means of assignment of that right, a fee in the amount of 40,000 Rubles shall be paid in accordance with Rule 13(5) of the Patent Regulations.
The other fees will remain in the same amounts.
Please note that payments of fees to the Eurasian Patent Office can be made in Rubles, US Dollars, Euros, Yuan and Drams.
Certain fees in the Eurasian Patent Organization will be amended as of February 1, 2025
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